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Arconix Testimonials


Arconix Testimonials is an easy-to-use plugin that allows you to showcase the great things your customers or users are saying about you or your business.


  • Base stylesheet is responsive and is looks good out of the box with almost any theme, but supports upgrade-safe customizations if a tighter integration is desired.

  • Integrates into the new dashboard design with WordPress 3.8

  • Add testimonials to your site via a widget, shortcode or template tag

  • Displays Gravatars when available


Great Plugin – I highly recommend this plugin. It is easy to use, presents content well and the documentation on WordPress Plugins as well as the developer’s site is excellent and lets the user know how/where to use CSS for customization.

Some of our Pro plugins

  1. Deposits plugin for WooCommerce

  2. Product Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce

  3. Order Delivery Date Pro for WooCommerce

  4. Abandoned Cart Pro for WooCommerce

  5. Booking & Appointment Plugin for WooCommerce

Some of our other free plugins

  1. Order Delivery Date for WooCommerce – Lite

  2. Abandoned Cart for WooCommerce

  3. Product Delivery Date for WooCommerce – Lite

  4. WooCommerce Print Invoice & Delivery Note

  5. Order Delivery Date for WP e-Commerce

  6. Prevent Customers To Cancel WooCommerce Orders

  7. WooCommerce Coupons by Categories and Tags

  8. Arconix FAQ

  9. Arconix Shortcodes

  10. Arconix Flexslider

  11. Arconix Portfolio

  12. Export WordPress Menus


  • Adding a new Testimonial
  • Testimonial list in the Admin
  • Shortcode output with default styling
  • Shortcode metabox on Testimonial creation screen


You can download and install Arconix Testimonials using the built in WordPress plugin installer. If you download the plugin manually, make sure the files are uploaded to /wp-content/plugins/arconix-testimonials/.

Activate Arconix Testimonials in the «Plugins» admin panel using the «Activate» link.


How can I show my testimonials?

  • Place the Arconix – Testimonials widget in the desired widget area
  • Use the shortcode [ac-testimonials] on a post, page or other area
  • Place <?php echo do_shortcode( "[ac-testimonials]" ); ?> in the desired page template

Why is the plugin basically unstyled?

With no 2 themes exactly alike, it’s impossible to style a plugin that seamlessly integrates without issue. That’s why I made the plugin flexible — copy includes/arconix-testimonials.css to the root of your theme’s folder and make your desired modifications. My plugin will automatically load that file instead.

Is there any other documentation?

  • Visit the plugin’s Wiki Page for all the plugin’s documentation

I have a problem or a bug

I have a great idea for your plugin!

That’s fantastic! Feel free to submit a pull request over at Github,or you can contact me through Twitter, Facebook or my Website


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  • Updated the admin css files with some minor changes.


  • Updated the CMB library to its latest version.
  • Optimized the code with respect to WordPress Coding Standards.


  • The plugin is now GDPR compliant. Added Testimonial data in WordPress Dashboard->Tools->Export Personal Data & WordPress Dashboard->Tools->Erase Personal Data in compliance with EU GDPR to ensure that the personal data captured by the plugin is available for export & erasure.
  • Bug Fixed – Some notices of debug log file are fixed.


  • Now you can minimize the testimonials display in the widget by using Excerpt content option.


Fixed a text formatting bug


  • Added a metabox to the testimonial edit screen that provides the Post ID. Good for when a specific testimonial is needed to display
  • Fixed a bug where some users were getting an error message about a missing file
  • Enhanced the testimonial column display on the admin side to be more flexible


Fixed a bug where sometimes empty testimonial html was showing up on non-testimonial pages.


Initial release