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BBP Bulk Unsubscribe


Currently BBPress provides no control for Administrators to unsubscribe members from Forums or Topics. When your forum grows big, there are more and more members subscribed to the topics and forums. Many times it becomes a menace for the subscribing members as they have to go to every topic to unsubscribe.
This plugin solves this problem. It provides a easy to manage interface from where an Administrator can :

  1. Bulk unsubscribe all members from all forums
  2. Bulk unsubscribe a members from all forums and topics
  3. Bulk unsubscribe all members from a forum or topic

Works on Demand

  1. Absolutely Zero load on your site.
  2. No code executes unless it is called.
  3. Search on demand, when you want to unsubscribe, search functions run on demand.
  4. Chained ajax calls to avoid server overload, even if your forum has 5000 members subscribed the unsubscribe function runs a chain event causing less load on server for unsubscribe.


  • Tools
  • Options page


Installation Instructions

From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for ‘BBP Bulk Unsubscribe’
  3. Activate BBP Bulk Unsubscribe from your Plugins page.


  1. Download BBP Bulk Unsubscribe.
  2. Upload the ‘bbp-bulk-unsubscribe’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate BBP Bulk Unsubscribe from your Plugins page.

Once Activated

  1. Visit ‘Tools > BBPress Unsubscribe ‘
  2. Use the unsubscribe options.


Can I use my existing WordPress theme?


Will this work on WordPress multisite?


Where can I report a bug?

Report bugs, suggest ideas, and participate in development at VibeThemes.


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