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Bibs Random Content


Takes a random quote, picture or adcode from a text file and displays it anywhere in a WordPress Blog Template. To display the content, use <?php randomcontent();> anywhere in the template.

The data is stored in the file random.dat one line per content block (see sample). You can use text, html, adsense code, whatverver you want. Chmod the random.dat file to 777.



  1. Upload all the files in the zip to the /wp-content/plugins/bibs-random-content directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place the code into your template . Done


Question: How to i place content into the random.dat file?

Answer: Put all the code you like to display in one line. So if you have an ad code with 4 lines as example, delete the line braks, so that the code is in one line, thats all.


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