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Botowski for WooCommerce


Botowski AI for Woocommerce is a plugin that allows users to rewrite their WooCommerce product titles and descriptions using Botowski’s API. This is especially useful for e-commerce owners, dropshippers in particular, who import a large number of products and need to optimize their content. The plugin works exclusively with Woocommerce.

Botowski Product Description Generator in action



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/botowski-ai-for-woocommerce directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress.
  3. Get an API token from the Botowski dashboard at
  4. Go to the Botowski settings page in WordPress and enter your API token.
  5. You’re ready to start using Botowski AI to re-write your WooCommerce product titles and descriptions! Just go to your WooCommerce product edit window you’ll see new options available for this purpose.


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  • working with WordPress 6.4


  • working with WordPress 6.3


  • added a Main product description rewrite option (we only had Short description rewrite)
  • tweaked description output


  • initial version