- CallMeBack generates a basic Callback Form on your page via shortcode
. Within your theme php-file, use<?= do_shortcode('[cmb]') ?>
- If a client fills out the Form and sends you a Request, it will be automatically inserted into your custom Google Calendar as an event
You can setup your mobile or something to remind you of that events, and you will never miss a callback request of a client again.
- Unpack
- Move the folder into /wp-content/plugins
- Activate the Plugin «CallbackEvent» in the Backend
- In the Sidebar of the backend appears «CMB Settings»
- There, you have to insert 3 Values: CliendID, ClientSecret, CalendarID and, if you like, change the default Thank-you Text 🙂
Create ClientID & ClientSecret
- «Create Project»
- Go to the Menu APIS & auth => APIs and enable «Calendar API»
- Go to the Menu APIS & auth => Credentials
- On the right side unter «OAauth», press the Button «Create new Client ID»
- Chose «Web Application»
- Fill in the address of your page under «AUTHORIZED REDIRECT URI».
- After a few seconds, the data appears, including ClientID and ClientSecret
- Create a calendar, e.g. «Callbacks» and go to it’s calendar-settings.
- In the settings-page, paragraph «Calendar Address», there is the calendar id.
- The calendar id has the form «»
Insert the 3 Values you got in the steps above into the Form and press Save.
Afterwards, a link «Authenticate» appears. Click that link, to authenticate at google-services.
That’s it!
To show the callback-form in your page, use the «[cmb]» shortcode.
Now, if there is a request, it automatically appears as an event in your created «Callbacks» Calender at Google Calendar
and you can setup up your smartphone or similar to remind you.
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