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Camaloon Integration for WooCommerce


Partner directly with Europe’s only local end-to-end fulfillment manufacturer.

With Camaloon you can focus exclusively on growing your brand. We take care of manufacturing, packaging and shipping your custom products straight to your customers – in record times.

With more than a decade of experience in the printing of personalised products, we’ve become experts at producing high-quality custom items.

Partnering with us means working directly with your supplier, no middlemen, or third parties.

How does Camaloon work?

When a customer buys something from your WooCommerce store, the order is automatically imported to Camaloon, where we fulfill and ship it to them under your brand. You can then see your order in our Dashboard.

Learn more about the WooCommerce + Camaloon integration here:


  • Connect to Camaloon

  • Plugin status page

  • Plugin support page


  1. Upload ‘camaloon’ to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Click the «Connect» button

Another althernative:
1. In your wordpress plugins page.
2. Add new plugin
3. You will see a form where you can upload the zip file of the plugin.


How long do orders take to be delivered?

Our average product delivery time from when your client orders a product, to how long it takes to arrive it their doorstep is around 72 hours.

How much does print-on-demand cost with Camaloon?

Print-on-demand as a service is completely free to use. There are no upfront costs, minimums, or monthly fees. You can start desiging your products with your own branding right away.

What design tools are available to customise products?

Use our custom designer to personalise the full range of your product selection. Use our custom mockup generator to visualise exactly how your branded products will come to life.
For more information please refer to:


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  • First release