Denne utvidelsen har ikke blitt testet mot noen av de siste 3 hovedutgivelsene av WordPress. Den er kanskje ikke lenger holdt vedlike eller støttet, og den kan ha kompatibilitetsproblemer med nyeste versjoner av WordPress.

Carto: Maps for WordPress


👉 For more information about the plugin, visit the documentation website.

  • Based on Google Maps.
  • Unlimited Markers. Put as many markers as you want on your maps, and differentiate them with colors!
  • Geocoding search. Look up the exact coordinates of an address with the built-in search engine.
  • Mobile friendly maps. No matter the device, your maps will always look great!
  • Marker tooltips. Add titles and descriptions to your markers to create «on hover» or «on click» rich tooltips.
  • Page builders support. Carto can be easily used in page builders, thanks to the built-in widget.

Every map you create has specific controls for dimensions, zoom display and the ability to drag around. No matter the device your visitors are going to visualize your map, you’ll always be in control.

👉 Want to know more? Read the plugin documentation! 👉

👉 NEW! Carto PRO is now available 👉 Get it here!

What’s included in the PRO version:

  • Added OpenStreetMap engine
  • More geolocation search providers: Nominatim and Photon
  • Nine OSM map style variants
  • OSM custom tiles support
  • Custom Google Maps style support thanks to Snazzy Maps
  • Premium Support

👉 Get Carto PRO here!

External services

Carto is relying on third party services that provide the map tiles being used for display, and geocoding data for address lookup.

Maps and address lookup are both provided by Google Maps.

Here is a list of services being used:

👉 1.0.4

  • FIX: Fixed support for full/wide block alignments.
  • FIX: Fixed REST API error notice.

👉 1.0.3

  • ENHANCEMENT: Added a way to programmatically instantiate maps via JavaScript.

👉 1.0.2

  • FIX: Fixed compatibility with WordPress 5.4.
  • FIX: Minor bugs.

👉 1.0.1

  • FIX: Fixed compatibility with WordPress 5.3.

👉 1.0.0

  • Initial public release.


  • The map editing interface.
  • Editing a marker’s data.
  • Map settings panel.
  • Looking up for a specific location.


Denne utvidelsen gir 1 blokk.

  • Carto: Maps for WordPress


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/carto directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


Will it work on my theme too?

YES! Whether your theme is free or premium, Carto will seamlessly integrate with it.

Can I switch themes? Will I lose content in the process?

Your content will NOT be lost when switching themes, regardless of the one you choose to use.

How does support work?

Support on the plugin page on is completely voluntary. Feel free to post bug reports, or questions about the plugin functionality.


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