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CC Lexicon Lite


Lexicon Entries consist of a «Term» and a «Definition» (if you are creating FAQs, this equates to a «Question» and an «Answer»), and can be managed in exactly the same way as standard WordPress posts.

The Lexicon Entries can also be organised into Categories.

The Lexicon Entries are displayed using a shortcode, allowing you to display all entries or those for certain categories.

The terms are indexed alphabetically, and initially only the terms are displayed – clicking on any term will expand the entry to show the definition.

Using the shortcode

The simplest usage would be to use the shortcode with no parameters:


This would show all Lexicon Entries in all Categories with the default styling.

To show the Lexicon Entries for a single category, you would specify the category slug using the category parameter:

[lexicon category="general-entries"]

To show Lexicon Entries for a number of categories, simply supply a comma-separated list of category slugs:

[lexicon category="general-entries,specialist-subjects,misc-entries"]

You can change the styling of the Lexicon Entries using the before_heading, after_heading, before_title and after_title parameters:

The before_heading and after_heading parameters specify the HTML used before and after the indexation heading. By default, before_heading is set to <h4> and after_heading is set to </h4>.

If you wanted to have these items displayed at a larger size you could use something like:

[lexicon before_heading="<h1>" after_heading="</h1>"]

Similarly, the before_title and after_title parameters specify the HTML used before and after the actual Lexicon Term. By default, before_title is set to <h5> and after_title is set to </h5>.

If you wanted to have these items displayed at a larger size you could use something like:

[lexicon before_title="<h1>" after_title="</h1>"]

The default instructions that are displayed above the entries by the plugin read: «Click on any term below to reveal the description.» … you can change these instructions by specifying the instructions parameter:

[lexicon instructions="Click on any item below to reveal more ..."]

You can change how the instructions are displayed by specifying the before_instructions and after_instructions parameters. The default value for before_instructions is <h5>, and for after_instructions is </h5>.

For example, you could specify that the instructions are displayed in a <div> element as follows:

[lexicon before_instructions="<div>" after_instructions="</div>"]

You can specify a skin parameter, which will apply some standard styling to the Lexicon entries. This parameter can take the following values: simple (the default value), red, greenand blue.

For example, the following would display the Lexicon entries in blue [lexicon skin="blue".

If you want to add your own styling to the Lexicon entries, you can specify the class parameter to add your own class to the Lexicon entries for styling with CSS. Specifying the class parameter will cause the skin parameter to be ignored.

For example, you could use:

[lexicon class="myclass"]


  • Default (Simple) skin: [lexicon] or [lexicon skin="simple"]
  • Skin for Red colour schemes: [lexicon skin="red"]
  • Skin for Green colour schemes: [lexicon skin="green"]
  • Skin for Blue colour schemes: [lexicon skin="blue"]


  1. Upload the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


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“CC Lexicon Lite” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




  • Small bug fix


  • Initial Release