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Integration of Contact form 7 to mountstride CRM


Integration of Contact form 7 to mountstride CRM is a WordPress plugin to integrate mountstride CRM with WordPress which helps to make it quickest & simplest way to synchronize your customer’s data to your mountstride CRM account.

Once the integration is successfully done, the contact form 7 submitted from the website are automatically pushed as a lead to your mountstride CRM account along with other additional information.

This plugin uses mountstride’s API to send contact form data to your account and no hand-written customization code is required at your end. All you need to do is just activate the Contact Form 7 plugin and map its fields to mountstride CRM.

Additionally, there is also a mechanism which allows you to define user defined fields and map it with the additional form fields created under the mountstride account.

Example: If you have an ecommerce website and there are two different forms in the website viz. Contact us form and Product enquiry form, mountstride plugin will allow you to set identifiers for both the forms. So, when a user submits the information using particular form then it will be automatically mapped and pushed to the related category in mountstride CRM account.


  • Plug & play integration of Contact Form 7 forms with mountstride CRM.
  • Create fields in to mountstride CRM and map them to your Contact Form 7.
  • Set up each form individually
  • Integrate unlimited Contact Form 7 forms
  • Enable debugging log to check for any errors

Having trouble with the plugin? Please feel free to contact us on


  • API Settings screen
  • Fields mapping screen


Install via WordPress Admin

  1. Go to Admin > Plugins > Add New
  2. On the upper portion click the Upload link.
  3. Using the file upload field, upload the plugin zip file here and activate the plugin.

Install via FTP

  1. Unzip the plugin file.
  2. Using FTP go to your server’s wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. Upload the unzipped plugin here.
  4. Once finished, login into your WP Admin and go to Plugins.
  5. Find Contact Form 7 – mountstride CRM – Integration and activate it.


What are the Basic Requirements to install the plugin?

  1. Contact Form 7 Plugin installed and activated in your WordPress website
  2. mountstride CRM account
  3. Access to WordPress admin for installing plugins in the website.

How can I install and configure the plugin?

  1. Download the zip file and extract the contents. Upload the ‘cf7-to-mountstride’ folder to your plugins directory (wp-content/plugins/).
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Menu -> CF7 to mountstride, set your mountstride API Endpoint, Authorization Key, Token Key.
  4. For fields mapping, Go to Menu -> CF7 to mountstride -> Fields Mapping. You will find all the CF7 forms added in your Contact Form 7. Enable and map the fields that are required.

How do I add mountstride and custom fields?

Go to Menu -> CF7 to mountstride -> Fields Mapping screen, where all the CF7 forms will be listed. All the predefined fields in the mountstride CRM will be listed and you will need to Map the CF7 form fields that needs to be assigned. If any additional fields data need to be sent through the form, you can add it by ‘Add New Field’.

What should I do if the plugin is not working?

Please check the following:
1. Is your Contact Form 7 plugin up to date?
2. Are your mountstride API credentials correct?
3. Are the values being submitted to mountstride? Enable the Debugging Log.
4. If you are still facing any issue, please feel free to contact us at

How can we get an access to mountstride CRM?

You can get access to mountstride CRM by subscribing with relevant plans. For more information click here


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  • We have implemented the functionality for the Current Date Provision with drop down CF7 fields.


  • Initial