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Chuck Norris Jokes Widget


This plugin adds a small WordPress widget that shows a random Chuck Norris joke on your blog.
These jokes are taken from a database on
For personalized Chuck Norris jokes starring yourself, please refer to the Personalized Chuck Norris Jokes Widget.


To install this plugin:

  1. Download the plugin and extract the contents.
  2. Upload the entire plugin directory to ‘/wp-content/plugins/’.
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  4. Drag the «Personalized Chuck Norris Joke» widget in a widget area through the ‘Appearance – Widgets’ menu.
  5. Press save and close.

You should now see a different Chuck Norris joke on your blog every time the page loads.


Have a question? Be sure to ask it at the plugin homepage


Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.

Bidragsytere og utviklere

“Chuck Norris Jokes Widget” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




  • Fixed bug with loading jQuery.


  • Switched to client-side mashup using new jQuery plugin (no caching problems, server load minimized).


  • Fixed some coding issues
  • Upgraded to new, stable RESTful API
  • Branched off «Personalized Chuck Norris Joke Widget», personalization will only be present in that plugin.


  • Changed to the new domain to fetch jokes.


  • Basic version: a random joke with possibility to show own first name and last name in the joke (basic replacement).