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Content Visibility Date and Time


Need to show a content block between two dates? Or after a certain date and time? Or until a particular date in the future? The Date and Time add-on for Content Visbility allows you to do just that!


Development is mostly done on github and releases are made there and here to the WordPress plugins directory.


  • Showing the content visibility date and time controls in the content editor sidebar


What’s with the logo?

It’s a chameleon. A cool little creature which can change the way it appears – to make itself more or less visible. Seemed appropriate! Also, your suspicions are correct; a designer, I am not.

Got a question?

Let me know:


Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.

Bidragsytere og utviklere

“Content Visibility Date and Time” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




  • WP 6.1.1 compatibility.
  • Fixed warning in widgets screen to do with loading the wrong editor.
  • Fixed date popup not showing correctly due to changes in the underlying DateTime component. props kelvinxu.


  • Added indicator to show when Date/Time rules are present for a block to make it easier to see when a block has rules.
  • WP 5.8.0 compatibility.


  • Updated tags to make addons more finadable from the core plugin.
  • WP 5.7.0 compatibility.


  • First public release. Set start and/or end times for when your content blocks will be shown.