Cookie Dough Compliance and Consent for GDPR


Cookie Dough Compliance and Consent for GDPR allows you to add your site cookie consent form through a user-friendly interface.

Unlike many other plugins, Cookie Dough Compliance and Consent for GDPR allows you to actually disable scripts if the user refuses cookies.


  • Simplify modal customization
  • Modal text customization
  • Up to 3 steps on your modal (welcome, required cookies and optional cookies)
  • Preview mode in back office
  • Added a delay before displaying the modal
  • Feature to disable scripts if user refuses cookies
  • Modal redisplay delays if user accepts all
  • Delays in redisplaying the modal if the user does not accept all
  • Ability to make the modal disappear after accepting it
  • Cookie manager with ability to disable scripts by name directly through WordPress dequeue_script feature
  • Ability to add a script only if the user accepts the cookie concerned


When you install the plugin the modal is directly deployed on your site. You can customize it in the back office.

  1. Go to the Cookie Dough screen in the WordPress admin
  2. Customize the modal
  3. Save the modal

Other plugin by Webdeclic

Webdeclic is a French web agency based in Paris. We are specialized in the creation of websites and e-commerce sites. We are also the creator of the following plugins:
* Mentions Legales Par Webdeclic
* Cookie Dough Compliance and Consent for GDPR
* QuickWebP – Compress / Optimize Images & Convert WebP | SEO Friendly
* Universal Honey Pot
* Clean My WP
* Show all plugins on

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☕️ If you want buy me a coffee, you can do it here : Buy me a coffee ☕️


  • Example of front office view of the modal opened on step 1.
  • Example of front office view of the modal opened on step 2.
  • Example of front office view of the modal opened on step 3.
  • Preview mode view in back office.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/cookie-dough-consent directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Cookie Dough screen to configure the plugin


Does Cookie Dough actually disable cookies if you refuse them?

Yes. If you refuse cookies, the plugin will disable the scripts directly provided that the configuration is well done upstream.

Can I add a script only if the user accepts the cookie concerned?

Yes. You can add a script only if the user accepts the cookie concerned.

Can I remove the powered by?

Yes. You can add a filter Cookie_Dough_Consent/powered_by_webdeclic and return false to remove the powered by.


12. november, 2023 2 svar
Très bon plugin de cookie, cependant si nous voulons être en accord avec l’ensemble de la RGPD, et du texte dans sa globalité, il manque quelques éléments important 1) Il manque l’ajout d’un bouton » refuser tout » qui doit être accessible et cliquable rapidement par l’utilisateur (tel que «complianz»). 2) On ne peut pas choisir la taille des titres des étapes, le réglage se fait essentiellement par du CSS. 3) La détection automatique des cookies sur l’installation WordPress sur lequel le plugin est installé, l’ajout à la main est plus précis, mais il y a des oublies.4) Le stockage du consentement des utilisateurs qui reste obligatoire si l’utilisateur demande la consultation5) WhiteLabel sur le plugin, pouvoir avoir la possibilité d’afficher ou non qui est le créateur du plugin (obligé de passer par du css également ici)J’espère avoir dans les prochaines mise à jour du plugin l’ensemble des éléments listés ci-dessus, et nous aurons un plugin made in FRANCE qui sera aux petits oignons. Merci pour votre travail !
Les alle 2 vurderinger

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“Cookie Dough Compliance and Consent for GDPR” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




  • Fix translate for WP 6.7.
  • Better RGPD compliance.


  • Better condition for get privacy policy link.


  • Fix : fatal error on front if no old option with new version.


  • Replace old options (in db) with one option for all.


  • Add filter for hide powered by.


  • Design evolution.


  • Fix troubleshotting on certain websites.


  • Fix troubleshotting in private navigation.


  • Add credits on settings in admin
  • Translation update


  • Fix bugs with last update


  • Remove Lato font for better performance


  • Add better accessibility properties on buttons and label


  • Add alt attribute on image in modal for better accessibility


  • Placeholder on add script in cookie manager for better understanding


  • Added support for cache systems (beta)


  • Fix PHP bug in admin if you select no shape for the modal
  • CSS Better compatibility with themes
  • Wording modifications in the back office
  • Fix bug on select image in button


  • Fix error in preview mode


  • Fix CSS for Elementor page builder