Cosmic BP User Signup Password allows buddypress site owners the flexibility to let their user choose their won password at the time of registraton.If the user does not fills a password of his own choice,a random generated password is sent to the user on activation .
This plugin simply inserts a password field in buddypress signup/registration form.So,once you have enabled it, new users on your site can choose their own password at the time of registration.I made this plugin,as currently, no alternative exists for allowing user to set their own password at the time of registration in buddypress.
For more of my plugins please visit
Please ask all your support questions here ,my blog.
1.decide you want to put it tnot wp-content/plugins directory or wp-content/mu-plugins directory.It works in both case.
2.For wp-contents/plugins directory
* upload cosmic-bp-user-signup-password folder to wp-contents/plugins directory
* Go to wp-admin->Plugins
* activate 'Cosmic BP User Signup Password'
* Logout and check your signup page(
* Now enjoy!
* Alternatively You may use Plugin installer of wordpress Mu to install it(skip the previous steps in that case)
2.If you want to install it in wp-content/mu-plugins
* Upload `cc-bp-user-signup-password.php` to the `/wp-content/mu-plugins/` directory
* Go and check your registration page
- Which versions of buddypress it supports
Currently,I have tested it on an install of buddypress 1.0.1 and wordpress mu 2.7.1.But I hope,It should be functional on other instances too.
- What about changing the help text below password field and label
Well, you can change it, but please change only if you have a little bit familiarity with php,edit the file cc-bp-user-signup-password.php and change the label as you wish
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