- Unzip, upload plugin folder to your plugins directory (
) - Activate plugin
- Add countdown shortcode anywhere you need it.
Check out the included admin help page for complete explanation within WordPress!
- What’s the shortcode?
In full glory:
[countdown_timer target_time="2012-05-05 14:03:00" complete_text="It's Done!" format= {CUSTOM HTML FORMAT - SEE BELOW} date_separator='<span class="d-sep">/</span>' time_separator='<span class="t-sep">:</span>' label_format="<em>%s</em>" timezone="America/New_York" ]
- Developer Hooks
The following filters are provided to adjust both the attributes (before rendering) and the format (after rendering).
You would use them like:
add_filter( 'abt_countdown_timer__pre_render', 'my_countdown_prerender' ); function my_countdown_prerender($attributes) { ... } add_filter( 'abt_countdown_timer__post_render', 'my_countdown_postrender' ); function my_countdown_postrender($output, $attributes) { ... }
This is how they’re used in the plugin:
// hook - adjust attributes used to render the countdown $attributes = apply_filters( 'abt_countdown_timer__pre_render', $attributes ); // hook - add "before", "after"; alter rendered output $formatted_time = apply_filters( 'abt_countdown_timer__post_render', $formatted_time, $attributes );
- Other Options
- Title and Link – tooltip text when hovering over timer; optional link from clicking timer
- Timezones – specify a timezone for calculations (if different than WP timezone)
- Output format – HTML wrapper for result fields; uses special placeholder formats for label, separators, and time values (see
) - Date Separator – text between date values, if used in Output Format
- Time Separator – text between time values, if used in Output Format
- Interval Label – wrapper for laber for «Year», «Month», etc
Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.
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- bugfixes, singleton, hooks
- submitted to WP
- refactored for public consumption
- split plugin from custom code