PRyC WP: Coupons Booster for WooCommerce


Additional options for WooCommerce coupons:

1) Ability to disable coupon support from the product level (without super-coupon);
2) Clear cart URL (how to use: https://shop-url/?clear-cart);
3) Apply coupon from URL (how to use: https://shop-url/?coupon=…);
4) Set coupon expire date and time (You must have a time zone set in your WordPress settings);
5) Set expire coupon on end of day;
6) Super-coupon – works for products with coupon-disabled support;

Plugin ready to translation (languages​​/pryc-wp-coupons-booster-for-woocommerce.pot)


  • Product options
  • Cart info
  • Coupons options


  1. Upload coupons-booster-for-woocommerce dir to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ menu in WordPress


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1.3.0: Add «super-coupon»
1.2.1: FIX set coupon expire time
1.2.0: Add «set coupon expire time (not only day)» and «set expire coupon on end of day»
1.1.1: FIX «Product without support for discount coupons» info
1.1.0: Add clear cart URL and apply coupon from URL
1.0.1: First public ver.