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Donate Ribbon


Places a black ribbon in the upper right corner of your blog displaying the word «Donate» in white text. You can set the link to any URL you choose via the settings page. Now with vertical offset options. You may also set the link title hover message. By default it is set to the Redcross donation page.


  • Here’s how the ribbon will appear on your website.
  • An example of the options page under the Tools menu.


  1. Download the plugin zip archive.
  2. Extract it in your wp-content/plugins folder or upload via admin panel.
  3. Browse to your plugins section and active the plugin.


Q: Why are you doing this?
A: Considering our community’s love of ribbons, I thought a generic Donate ribbon might be a great addition!


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Updated my donate link.


Added vertical offset mechanism and options


Updated the short description of the readme file so that the fragmented sentence appearing at the repository will not be there.


Thought we could use a donate ribbon as I didn’t see one.