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First Picture as Featured Image


If you have posts or pages without featured image this plugin will get your first image inside every post and page and setup as your featured image.


  • FPFI Settings Page


  • Upload «first-picture-as-featured-image» directory int to «/wp-content/plugins/» directory
  • Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress


Installation Instructions
  • Upload «first-picture-as-featured-image» directory int to «/wp-content/plugins/» directory
  • Activate the plugin through the «Plugins» menu in WordPress
How this plugin works?

FIFP performs a search in your WordPress database and check which post and pages doesn’t have a featured image. After that we get the first image that you uploaded inside each post / page and setup this image as your featured image.

How can I use this plugin

After activate plugin go to «Tools > First Picture as Featured Image» menu and choose if you want to set featured images in posts or pages.
Then click on Save button and FPFI will do the rest!


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“First Picture as Featured Image” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.



0.1 – 2017/12/06
* Alfa version