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Gecka BgStretcher


PHP 5 required. Please be sure to check your PHP version before marking the plugin as broken.

BgStreacher plugin for WordPress implements the great bgStretcher Jquery script to your wordpress blog.

It allows you to add a large image (or a set of images) to the background of your web page and will proportionally resize the image(s) to fill the entire window area. The plug-in will work as a slideshow if multiple images mode is used (the speed and duration for the slideshow is configurable)..

For example, google uses such a hack for their background image feature

The plugin supports all the bgStreacher features, like slideshow.


  • Example


PHP 5 required. Please be sure to check your PHP version before marking the plugin as broken.

  1. Upload `gecka-bgstretcher` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Read the documentation


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“Gecka BgStretcher” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




  • News background_cb and shuffle parameters.


  • First version.