Denne utvidelsen har ikke blitt testet mot noen av de siste 3 hovedutgivelsene av WordPress. Den er kanskje ikke lenger holdt vedlike eller støttet, og den kan ha kompatibilitetsproblemer med nyeste versjoner av WordPress.

Juicy Contact Button


The plugin displays a floating contact button with a flashing «Online» light and optional fields. If you want to place the widget in a specific location, just add the shortcode: [juicy-contact]


  • View on the setting page.
  • View on the site page.
  • View on the site page.


  1. Upload dir juicy-contact-button to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


How does the plugin work?

The plugin shows a floating widget with a contact of your choice: WhatsApp or Telegram. You can change link on click, link anchor, icon and widget background color (4 presets are available).

What is the Z-index setting for?

If you run into a problem where our widget stays behind some elements, you can change the Z-index up and the widget will show on top of other elements.

How to set up the plugin?

Go to settings > Click on plugin name > Configure plugin > Save changes.

How does the shortcode work?

Install the shortcode [juicy-contact] in the place you need and in the settings check the box «Shortcode only».


27. juni, 2022
Вроде такой маленький виджет, а сколько настроек!!! Поставил себе на все сайты! 5 звезд однозначно
Les 1 vurdering

Bidragsytere og utviklere

“Juicy Contact Button” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.



1.3.1 – 2023-04-03

  • WordPress 6.2 compatible

1.3.0 – 2022-07-24

  • Added the ability to hide the display on mobile.

1.2.0 – 2022-07-02

  • Added shortcode support

1.1.0 – 2022-06-29

  • fix bugs

1.0.0 – 2022-06-03

  • Creation of the first version.