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Kinde Auth


Kinde is a new era of authentication with simple, powerful authentication you can integrate with your product in minutes.

Kinde supports all of the most popular languages including JavaScript (React, React Native, Node Express, Node NextJs), PHP, .NET


  1. Upload the kinde-auth folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or install directly through the plugin installer
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress or by using the link provided by the plugin installer
  3. Visit the settings page in the Admin at /wp-admin/admin.php?page=kinde-auth and configure the plugin with your account details


How to configure this plugin?

  1. Go to the plugin setting page at YOUR_WORDPRESS_URL/wp-admin/admin.php?page=kinde-auth
  2. Enter value for Token host, Client ID, Client Secret, Grant Type, Auto Create User as Role, Default Login Page, Your Site Protocol
  3. For the Grant Type, choose one of the two methods Authorization Code, Authorization Code with PKCE
  4. For the Your Site Protocol, choose one of the two methods HTTP, HTTPS
  5. Click Save Changes button to save your config

How to Config on Kinde Authorization Server?

  1. If you don’t have an account, go to the to register an account
  2. If you have account then, go to to login
  3. Navigate to the Settings -> Applications menu page
  4. Click to the Backend app (Regular Web Application) to show the config page
  5. Fill YOUR_WORDPRESS_URL/kinde-authenticate/response into the Allowed callback URLs field
  6. Click Save button and finish configuration

How to use?

There are 3 ways to use Kinde Auth plugin on your website:

  1. Use by setting up in the Kinde Login Page for Default Login Pagefield
    1.1. Set Kinde Login Page value for Default Login Page field on the admin setup wizard
    Note: This method will override all login URLs based on your website and create a new WordPress URL for default login /wp-new-login

  2. Use by Shortcode
    2.1. Login button Shortcode [kinde_auth_login_button title="YOUR_TITLE"] -> title default: Sign In With Kinde
    2.2. Register button Shortcode [kinde_auth_register_button title="YOUR_TITLE"] -> title default: Sign Up With Kinde
    2.3. Logout button Shortcode [kinde_auth_logout_button]

  3. Use by links
    3.1. Login URL: /kinde-authenticate/login
    3.2. Register URL: /kinde-authenticate/register
    3.3. Logout URL: /kinde-authenticate/logout

I need help installing, configuring Kinde.

Please visit our document site at for more information.

I found a bug in the plugin.

Please post it in the WordPress support forum and we’ll fix it right away. Thanks for helping.


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1.0 (2023-02-08):

  • FIX BUG feedbacks review form WordPress Plugin Support
  • UPGRADE Kinde SDK PHP library from version 0.0.1 to 0.0.2

0.0.1 (2022-11-18):

  • Initial Release