Denne utvidelsen har ikke blitt testet mot noen av de siste 3 hovedutgivelsene av WordPress. Den er kanskje ikke lenger holdt vedlike eller støttet, og den kan ha kompatibilitetsproblemer med nyeste versjoner av WordPress.

URL Preview


This plugin can be used to fetch the excerpt of an external website. The excerpt would contain the title, description and image.

It also has an option page, which can be used to add CSS to change the look and feel.


  • Displays the button in the wordpress toolbar
  • Clicking the button, displays this popup.
  • After entering the url and clicking ok, the preview gets copied in the editor.
  • Options page can be found in Settings => Preview
  • The result page looks like this


3. september, 2016
All in all a great plugin that does what it promises but what a shame that the knowledgeable developer has abandoned further updates and neglects the minor support requests. It would serve the WP community a great deal if plugin kept up-to-date as the developer deserves high recognition for the excellent code.
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“URL Preview” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




  • First version