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Louder petition


The Louder Petition plugin will access the petition tool being used by a campaign page petition and display the title, description and petition form on your blog. If no petition is currently active for that campaign, the widget will not display on your blog and a message to that effect will be displayed in the widget configuration panel.

Louder is the new home for e-campaigning. The site draws together a range of online activist tools enabling activists and campaigners to create and run their own campaigns and connect with others.


  • The Louder petition backend, enter campaign slug to access petition tool.
  • Sample petition display.


  1. Unzip and extract the louderpetition folder
  2. Upload louder-petition folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Activate the widget at Appearance->Widgets by moving it to a sidebar
  5. Configure your plugin settings at Appearance->Widgets by entering the campaign slug (the part of the campaign pages URL that follows and before the final /, such as


What is is the new home for e-campaigning. This site draws together a range of online activist tools enabling you to create and run your own campaigns and connect with others.


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= 1.0 beta=
* First live beta.