- So many choices, seven of them! This is the versatile way to replace «Howdy» as the greeting to those who log in as users of your website.
- Your choices include:
- Write your own greeting
- Create your own random list of greetings
- Just remove «Howdy»
- Greet by daypart (Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening)
- Show today’s day and date
- Use the pre-filled list of random international greetings
- Use the pre-filled list of random positive, feel-good phrases
Samples of the seven modes available. Your choice: 1-Just Remove «Howdy». 2-Write Your Own greeting. 3-Your Own Random Greeting List (not shown). 4-Greet by Daypart. 5-Today’s Day and Date. 6-Random international greetings. 7-Random positive phrases. After you load the plugin, it appears on your installed plugin list. You do not have to search for settings; the link is right there. If you go to the Settings list in your Menu, you will also find a settings link there. On the settings page, choose the type of greeting you want to provide on the website.
- Download and activate the plugin.
- Go to Settings -> MC Good-bye Howdy, or, find the Settings link on the active plugins list page under the plugin name.
- If you choose, type in your own personal greeting or list of greetings to randomly appear on the top-right of each admin/user page.
- Choose to remove Howdy, or select an automatic mode: show day and date, greet by day-part, international greetings, or positive phrases.
Can I just remove «Howdy»?
- Sure, make that choice and save your selection. Done.
Can I write my own greeting?
- Anytime. Choose «My Own Personal Greeting» and type in what you want as the admin greeting.
Can I make my own list of random greetings?
- Yep. Choose «My Own Random Greeting List» and type in the words or phrases you want to randomly appear.
What is the «Greet by Daypart» setting?
- Greet users with «Good Morning,» or «Good Afternoon,» or «Good Evening,» acccording to the time of day, aligned with the timezone set for the website.
What is the «Today’s Day and Date» setting?
- This will always display today’s date and date, aligned with the timezone set for the website.
What is the «Random International Greeting» setting?
- Randomly display a greeting in many different languages. Greetings include: Ahlan, Aloha, Anyoung, Bonjour, Ciao, Chow, Greetings, God dag, Guten Tag, Habari, Hej, Hola, Hello, Konnichiwa, Olá, Privet, ¿Qué tal?, Salut, Selam, Shalom, Watij, and Yassou.
What is the «Random Positive Phrase» setting?
- Greet the user in a positive way. Greetings include: Attaway, Do your thing, Keep it up, Love your work, Today is your day, We appreciate you, We believe in you, You can do it, You’re the best, You’re a superhero, and You rock.
Will this make me feel better?
- It should. You are the admin. You and your website colleagues deserve special attention.
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2.6.5 – Updated code to be compatible with WordPress version 6.6+
2.6.4- Slight code changes. Compatible with PHP 8.0 and 8.1
2.6.3- Added choice: «My Own Personal Random Greetings»
Now you can type in your own list of words or phrases to be randomly-chosen as the logged-in user greeting. -
- Added choice: Just Remove «Howdy».
- Added choice: Today’s Day and Date.
Six additional positive phrases.
2.5.1 Additional tweak in time recognition code
2.5 Updated time recognition code, with thanks to Tony Styles. Tested with WordPress 5.5.3
2.4 Initial Release to WordPress