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MetGIS Weather


Looking for a highly customizable plugin with extremely precise forecasts?
With the MetGIS weather plugin you can easily integrate precise weather data into your website. Choose the parameters, adapt the design and upvalue your website.

Highlights: Why pick this plugin?

  • Weather for any coordinate worldwide, even remotest areas
  • Extremely precise forecasts thanks to MetGIS weather data
  • Highly customizable design – fits in every website!
  • All the parameters you need: weather short description, temperature, precipitation/rain/snow, wind, relative humidity, sunshine duration, sunrise/sunset
  • Forecasts for up to 7 days

Benefit from lots of customization options:

  • Choose parameters and number of forecast days
  • Upload your own background image
  • Use weather-dependent background images
  • Different icon sets available
  • Adapt font styles to your needs
  • English and German language
  • Inches/feet/°F or km/m/°C
  • Portrait and landscape mode

Why is MetGIS weather data so accurate?
In short: MetGIS algorithms connect weather data with very precise terrain data. This is why the forecasts are extremely accurate and businesses all around the globe trust in MetGIS.

Get your free API Key and you‘re ready to go:
This plugin is based on professional weather data provided by MetGIS. Click here to get your free API Key.

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Leave it a 5 star review. Thanks!

Disclaimer: MetGIS reserves the right to make changes to its services and cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage arising from the use of this plugin/data.


  • The Widget
  • Available Options


Installation is super-easy:

  1. Add the plugin to your WordPress installation
  2. Activate the plugin in the „Plugins“ menu in WordPress
  3. Get your free API key here
  4. Go to „Appearance“ > „Widgets“ to configure the widget and insert your API key at the top of the form
  5. Add the widget to your site, e.g. to the sitebar


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