Now, You can filter posts by selected category/taxonomy
Now supports custom post types
News ticker widget for elementor helps you showcase your latest news/posts in a marquee or slider format.
- Control number of Posts to display
- Unlimited News Ticker on a single page, no script conflict
- Can pause news ticker on mouse hover so you can read or open the news post
- Show/hide initial lable for your news ticker that adds beauty to your news ticker
- Separate news posts with icon or texts or featured image or post date
- Total control over news ticker speed. Make it slow or fast 😉
- Set background color to make it look catchy
- Control spacing, text color, font-family for post title
- Unmilited posibilities…
News ticker widget for Elementor
More features coming soon
We update our plugins actively 🙂
Technical Support
We’re active for any support issues and feature suggestions. You can post on our support forum here: support forum
Want to create custom elementor widget/addon plugin for your WordPress website?
Feel free to contact us and we will make it for you 🙂
How to install the plugin and get it working.
- Upload the plugin files to the
directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly. - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
Bidragsytere og utviklere
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- Compatibility with latest Elementor plugin and Fixed fatal error
- Compatibility with latest WordPress
- Minor fixes
- Minor fixes
- Compatibility with latest WordPress
- Removed deprecated elementor code
- Compatibility with latest WordPress and Elementor plugin
- Compatibility with latest WordPress and Elementor plugin
- Compatibility with latest WordPress and Elementor plugin
- Fixes comment form bug and compatibility with latest Elementor and WordPress version
- Minor bug fixes and compatibility with latest Elementor and WordPress version
- compatibility with latest WordPress and Elementor plugin
- Added feature: Filter posts by categories/taxonomies
- Custom post type support added
Release Date: 26th December, 2019
* Initial Launch