Next Product Labels & Badges for WooCommerce


Next Product Labels & Badges for WooCommerce helps you easily add automatically labels & badges on your WooCommerce shop page or/and your product pages.
Display labels with automatic calculation of price, percent, discount of each of your products.
Displays automatically specific badges for ‘New’, ‘Sold out’, ‘Featured’, ‘Best selling’, ‘Low quantity’ and Categories products according to your criteria..
Select your type of label/badge you want to use in the catalog. Easily configure the style (color, font, size…) and set its position on the products of your shop page or/and your product pages.
English & French language available.

This plugin comes with the following fonts, but you can add your own fonts.
Arial, Arial Black, Comic Sans MS, Courier New, Impact, Tahoma, Times New Roman, Verdana


This plugin is available in English & French.

Custom development

You need a new plugin? We can talk and help you with the plugin custom.
Just contact us on:


  • General Settings
  • WooCommerce shop page sample with labels & badges
  • Set badges ‘New’
  • Set badges ‘Featured’
  • Set badges ‘Sold out’
  • Set badges ‘Top Best Selling’
  • Set badges ‘Quantity’
  • Set badges by Category
  • Set Labels (1/2)
  • Set Labels (2/2)


  1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/next-wc-product-labels-badges directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugin screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress. PHP GD library is required on your server.
  3. Go to ‘Next Labels’ menu to configure the plugin and save your changes.


Why won’t this work?

It does work. If not just let me know! 😉
Do not forget to save your changes! Do not hesitate to press keys to force update and refresh your WooCommerce pages.

Can I have several labels and/or badges on my products?

Yes, you can choose between several types of labels and/or badges.
Then you can choose the ones you want to use or not on your products.

What is the difference between labels and badges?

Labels are more for automatic calculation and display prices, percent and/or discount of products. There are usualy set on top left of the product thumbnails.
Badges are used for automatic display of product specificities such as best selling, featured products, low quantity, new articles, categories… There can be set on top right or anywhere over your product thumbnails.

How can I set different positions for labels and/or badges on my produts?

It is very easy, you can set offset X and Y with negative value to be relative to left/right/bottom or top sides.
Advices are given to set best offset X and Y according to the badge you choose.
There is different position available for the shop page and for the product pages.
For example set X and Y to -3px value to have a ribbon badge dynamically set on right corner of all your products in your shop page.

How can I add other fonts?

Just upload the .ttf files you need in the /fonts directory of the plugin to be able to use them.

How can I configure my shop and improve SEO ?

You can get for free the plugin ‘Next Product Toolbox for WooCommerce’ to complete this one.


Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.

Bidragsytere og utviklere

“Next Product Labels & Badges for WooCommerce” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




  • Added advices regarding positions for seals and badges.

= 1.4.2
* Added different badges.


  • Added badges by categories.


  • Added pattern color for badge customization
  • French translation available.


  • Added preset positions to easily apply labels and badges.
  • Plugin localization to WordPress native PO/MO format.


  • Minor bug fixes and improvements.
  • You can add your own fonts.
  • Added new seals and badges.


  • Set badges


  • Added some more different labels.


  • Set labels with automatic calculation on product.
  • Released.


  • Created.