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RockOn Woo Variations Table


This plugin showing the variation product in table format. Shortcode able.


id is a product id & id field is req.
thead, Showing thead att. in table head area

   [rovartable id='1,2,4']
   [rovartable id='1,2,4' thead='Tittle,Color,Size,Basket']


  • Showing product in table format in the front-end.


Use WordPress Add New Plugin feature, searching «RockOn Woo Variations Table», or download the archive and:

  1. Unzip the archive on your computer
  2. Upload ron-woo-variations-table directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  4. Use shortcode & show variations product on anywhere


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