Series is a plugin created to allow users to easily link posts together by using a WordPress taxonomy (like tags or categories) called «series». It can be particularly useful if you write several posts spanning the same topic and want them tied together in some way that tags or categories doesn’t cover.
Professional Support
If you need professional plugin support from me, the plugin author, you can access the support forums at Theme Hybrid, which is a professional WordPress help/support site where I handle support for all my plugins and themes for a community of 75,000+ users (and growing).
Plugin Development
If you’re a theme author, plugin author, or just a code hobbyist, you can follow the development of this plugin on it’s GitHub repository.
Yes, I do accept donations. If you want to donate, you can do so from my donations page or grab me something from my Amazon Wish List.
I appreciate all donations, no matter the size. Further development of this plugin is not contingent on donations, but they are always a nice incentive.
- Why was this plugin created?
Originally, it was a bit of a proof-of-concept of how plugins could create custom taxonomies based off a couple of highly-popular WordPress tutorials I wrote (Custom taxonomies in WordPress 2.8 and Using custom taxonomies to create a movie database).
However, it was also a plugin I wanted for my personal blog. I’d been using custom fields for years to handle series, but it was always kind of a crude method of doing so. When WordPress created the Taxonomy API, I knew it was time to build something simple and usable for handling series on my site.
- What does this plugin do, exactly?
It creates a new taxonomy called «series» for use on your site. It gives you template tags, shortcodes, and widgets to allow you to more easily tie posts together in a series.
Basically, you get a new meta box on the edit post screen titled «Series» that works just like regular tags. You can input a series name to add a post to a series. You also get a «Series» screen under the «Posts» menu in the WordPress admin.
- Why am I getting a 404 error on series pages?
You just need to set up the plugin. Go to Settings > Series in your WordPress admin and save the settings. It’ll let WordPress know about your series permalink, which is necessary for showing series on the front end of the site.
- What widgets are available to use?
- Series – List Posts – This widget allows you to list posts from any series you’ve created.
- Series – List Related – This widget displays posts within the current post’s series. So, it only shows up under two conditions: 1) you’re viewing a single post and 2) the current post is within a series.
- Are there other functions to use in my theme?
All standard WordPress functions for taxonomies work. The name of the taxonomy is
. So, if you want to do anything custom, WordPress already has the functions you need. I’m not going to list them all here. That’d be just like rewriting a large portion of the WordPress Codex, which is already available to you.If you’re looking for a specific template tag, start with the category template tags. Most of them allow you to use custom taxonomies.
- Can you show me some examples?
Okay. I’ll show a few, but you’ve probably seen them before if you’ve done anything with tags or categories.
- Displaying a «tag» cloud
- ‘series’ ) ); ?>
- Displaying the current post’s series
- Displaying a «category» list of series
‘series’, ‘title_li’ => false ) ); ?>
- Can I create custom templates for series?
Certainly. You can create templates for series archives. Just copy your theme’s
template. Then, rename it totaxonomy-series.php
and make custom modifications from there.If you want a template for a specific series, name the template
. - Can you add feature X?
I’ll consider it. Let me know what features you’d like to see added to the plugin.
- This is way too complicated for me!
Please let me know how I could make things simpler for you in a future version of the plugin.
Also, keep in mind that there are other series plugins out there. This particular plugin might not be the best fit for you. However, I’m more than willing to listen to feedback on making things easier.
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Please see the
file included with the plugin. Or, you can view the online change log.