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Social View


A simple plugin that nicely formats content imported to your blog from social
media sites such as YouTube and Flickr


  • Works without user interaction or a requirement to change admin panel settings
  • Currently supports YouTube and Flickr


The installation is extremely simple and straightforward. It only takes a second.


  1. Upload the whole social-view directory into your WordPress plugins directory.

  2. Activate the plugin on your WordPress plugins page


  1. Deactivate the plugin on the plugins page of your blog dashboard

  2. Delete the uploaded files for the plugin


Where are the frequently asked questions for Social View?

It’s such a simple plugin, there aren’t any! Any questions, contact the author.


Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.

Bidragsytere og utviklere

“Social View” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.
