SpeedSize Image & Video AI-Optimizer



Instead of just doing traditional image compression, significantly damaging your website’s visual quality, like nearly all websites still do to this day, AI-optimize your images and videos. Only with SpeedSize™ can you present media without limitations. Display photos and videos that look the same as 4k and drastically improve your site’s loading speed at the same time. This will improve conversions, drive more organic SEO traffic and most importantly – provide your customers the next level of user experience.


The dilemma of performance vs. media quality arises every day for all online brands. A large media catalog and/or high quality media always translates to slow-loading. The standard solution is traditional image compression. Unfortunately, compression affects quality and doesn’t reduce the media size enough when the visual quality is passable. So the result is always poor user experience and/or bad SEO rankings, leading to missed conversions, or to put it more plainly, lost money.


Never again compromise visual quality for speed. Instead of doing traditional compression, use our proprietary tech, Neuroscience Media Optimization. SpeedSize™ is the only platform capable of optimizing media size so dramatically, without compromising visual quality. High-res images and videos can now be delivered with a few KBs. You can speed up your site, drive more organic SEO traffic and convert more, without any concessions.

  • Fix your Core Web Vitals to improve your SEO, bounce rate and conversions
  • Accelerate your site’s loading time by ~10x and enhance user experience
  • Get ~90-99% smaller and visually lossless media size by integrating with the SpeedSize™ platform
  • Make your site stand out with highest visual quality available online
  • rive more sales by empowering UX with high-res images and videos


SpeedSize™ neuroscience-powered AI analyzes your media, recreates it in identical looking quality but smaller in size (only a few KBs), and delivers it from 400+ locations all across the globe. Start selling more by upgrading product presentation. Use 4k quality images and auto-play videos. Improve your Core Web Vitals, while displaying life-like imagery for each unique visitor’s browser and device. SpeedSize™ even generates hundreds of variations in all next-gen formats and resolutions.


The SpeedSize™️ plugin AI-optimizes media with neuroscience technology, making the internet faster and sharper than ever seen before. We AI-analyze each media file to the pixel, eliminate the data the human brain cannot perceive and auto-deliver the perfect variation, customized to each unique device and browser. The result, up to 99% smaller media with the best possible perceptible visual quality, so that brands can present sharper, life-like visual experiences to their visitors. This drives more organic SEO traffic and increases revenue from conversions, making it the perfect tool for all online brands looking to scale.


At SpeedSize™, we don’t use any presets like every other compression platform. Each image is individually rendered to find the perfect size to quality ratio, so that the compression is not really compression at all. The results are undeniable…


Most Enterprise-level media optimization tools require a lot of manual labor. This means Complex APIs and coding processes. Alternatively, SpeedSize™️ offers an effortless integration, with all the customization you need to optimize your media individually. However, what’s so compelling about SpeedSize™️ is that you can optimize your site’s media automatically at any scale instantly with our WordPress plugin.

For the best results, use your original high-res images and videos, so our AI will make it appear identically sharp to the human eye, but up to 99% smaller. In nearly every case, the higher quality the original image, the better results we can deliver.


  • No visible quality loss — reach the highest quality resolution available online that loads instantly — Exclusive feature
  • PVCI – Psychovisual Compression Index – Quality assurance your media looks identical-to-original — Exclusive feature
  • Neuroscience optimized image recreation with no presets — Exclusive feature
  • Visually-lossless device adaptive resizing — Exclusive feature
  • AI content-aware cropping — Exclusive feature
  • Instant autoplay videos with no buffering time — Exclusive feature


  • Full image formats coverage (AVIF, WebP, JPEG-2000, JPEG -XR, JPEG, PNG, GIF, SVG)
  • Full video formats coverage ( AV1, VP9, HEVC, MP4)


To activate the plugin contact us at hi@speedsize.com. If you are already registered, please contact support@speedsize.com for any questions about integration and anything else you may need.


To learn more about SpeedSize™, check out our website.


  • AI-image optimization – Fast-Loading at High-Quality
  • Improve WordPress’ Auto-Compression with AI-Optimized Images
  • Convert More Sales with Sharper Media
  • Boost Pagespeed Scores and Media-Related Core Web Vitals
  • Deliver the Best Resolution and User Experience for Each Device
  • Zero Perceptible Difference Between Original and SpeedSize Media
  • Easily Integrate Your SpeedSize Account to WordPress


Install normally from admin or upload directly to the server.
To activate the plugin contact us at hi@speedsize.com. If you are already registered, please contact support@speedsize.com for any questions about integration and anything else you may need.


How can I contact SpeedSize™ for a demo and/or consultation?

Go to the form at the bottom of our homepage at speedsize.com, so you can book a personalized demo where we will provide live examples from your site, and even optimize media files of your choice. Or email us at us at hi@speedsize.com

Are there size restrictions for my website’s bandwidth?

There is no limit to the number of media files SpeedSize™ can optimize. We have clients that optimize over a billion images each month. The more the bandwidth of the media we AI-optimize for your site, the more discounted your rate. Just as your site will have no media limits, we have no limitations for volume.

Which CDN do you use?

SpeedSize™️ thorough investigation found out that the most recommended CDN is the Amazon Cloudfront AWS CDN. Though this is the CDN with the fastest delivery and most failsafes, you do not need to change anything to implement our platform. With that said SpeedSize™️ is the only flexible CDN media optimization in the market – We can deliver images and videos regardless of the CDN for Enterprise-level clients.

Why shouldn’t I use freeware for compressing or altering images?

Every freeware compression, cropping, or resizing tool will greatly compromise visual quality for speed. Why should you have to choose between the two? And while it is possible to compress files to look relatively OK in many instances, for larger sites it would take thousands of man hours to accomplish at scale, without results anywhere near what SpeedSize™️ can deliver. SpeedSize uses the principles of neuroscience to deliver the highest resolution images and reduce them by up to ~99%, which no other AI platform can do and cannot be done manually at all. Another feature unique to SpeedSize™️ is device and browser adaptive image delivery. The right image is perfectly resized and reformatted specifically to every consumer, no matter what device or browser they use. We would gladly test our resizing that loses no visual quality against the best of designers and can help businesses save upwards of thousands of man hours.

Can SpeedSize™ help with non media-related Google Pagespeed issues?

SpeedSize™️ has assembled an award-winning tech team of Pagespeed optimization experts that will:
* Analyze your site’s strengths and weaknesses
* Eliminate inefficiencies that slow down your site
* Build a custom solution according to your needs


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  • Added nonce verification to the «Clear CSS Parser Cache» admin link.


  • Added support for AICDN (pass SpeedSize params as a query string).


  • Added SpeedSize JS Snippet support.
  • Added support for «whitelistDomains» from SpeedSize’s client API (deprecated local ‘Allowed Domains’ settings).
  • Improved the plugin’s use of WP cache to minimize redundant processes and enhance performance.


  • Added a fix for: «Undefined variable $isBfiThumb in …/Processor.php».


  • Implemented reading of account’s «forbidden paths» settings from SpeedSize’s API and excluded these paths accordingly.


  • CSS-Parser: Improved accuracy when converting non-media relative paths to full paths (allow unencoded spaces in path).


  • CSS-Parser: Improved accuracy when converting non-media relative paths to full paths.


  • Added a new settings option, «Mute all videos» (Default:No), that will add a «v_muted» SpeedSize param to all wrapped video URLs.


  • Added support for Elementor custom resized images (BFI thumb).
  • SpeedSize params: removed «imdt».


  • Added support for unencoded spaces in media URL dir/file names.


  • Added SpeedSize ECDN support.
  • Remove «https://» from wrapped media URLs by default (controlled by a new admin configuration option).


  • CSS-Parser: Check the result of file_put_contents() and skip on failures.


  • Fixed «Warning: The magic method SpeedSize::__wakeup() must have public visibility».
  • Added default excluded URLs filter on the plugin level (currently excluding URLs containing «captcha» or «/api/khub/maps/»).


  • Use «enh» param instead of «upscl» when image size is not specified.


  • Added support for SpeedSize «upscl» (upscale) URL param when enabled on SpeedSize’s service (pulled automatically from SpeedSize).


  • Added «Use SpeedSize Size Params (Resize on SpeedSize)» settings option, to allow more control over the addition of SpeedSize’s URL size params when needed (enabled by default).


  • Enable SpeedSize CSS files parsing by default.
  • Added support for root-relative-path URLs when the home_url includes an additional path (e.g. https://example.com/en).


  • Add support for a custom SpeedSize CDN base URL (pulled automatically from SpeedSize by default and can be locally overridden by a SPEEDSIZE_SERVICE_BASE_URL constant).


  • CSS parser: Minor fix for «Undefined constant SpeedSize_Parser_Css::EXPIRY» error.


  • CSS parser: Improved search for relative-to-file URLs on CSS files.


  • CSS parser: Add support for root-relative CSS file URLs (when starts with a ‘/’), to prevent failures when loading the file for parsing.
  • CSS parser: Convert all relative-to-file URLs on CSS files to full URLs, to prevent broken links on non-media URLs when loading from a different cache location (e.g., when fonts are being loaded from a parent folder using ‘../fonts/font.otf’).


  • Added support for sub-folder WP installation, when the home-url is pointed one level up (e.g., /wp/wp-content...).


  • Fixed HTML parser’s can_process() so it won’t depend on is_css_parsing_enabled()


  • Parsers: Minor Improvement on media URL detection.


  • Parsers: Minor Improvement on media URL detection.


  • Parsers: Prevented doubled escaping issue on json-encoded URLs.


  • HTML-Parser: Limited root-relative URLs to known WP dirs or existing files.
  • Helper: Use case-sensitive search when parsing URL sizes.


  • Parsers: Added support for non-media URLs containing media URLs as qurey params.


  • CSS-Parser: Increased support for relative paths based on the original file source.


  • CSS-Parser: Expanded CSS files coverage.
  • HTML-Parser: Added support for json encoded URLs.


  • CSS-Parser: Added the original query params from the URL to the processed URL.
  • CSS-Parser: Clear expired after 12 weeks.
  • Minor texts changes on plugin settings page.


  • Added basic CSS files parsing support (with option to enable/disable/exclude from settings). Disabled by default.
  • Added parser support for relative URLs that starts with one or more ‘../’ (may be found on CSS files).
  • Added a settings option that allows using only HTML parser while disabling the internal processor filters (for plugin conflict cases).
  • Expanded parser serach to support all attributes and cover more media URLs.
  • Minor general improvements and parsers refactoring + internal caching (CSS parser cache can be cleared from the plugin settings page).
  • Removed the «Enable on WP admin» settings option and excluded admin permanently (no need for that with the new CSS files support).
  • Skip URL wrapping if it contains SpeedSize’s CDN URL.


  • Added ‘Additional Allowed Domains’ settings option (external domains support for the HTML-parser).
  • Minor fix on Config::is_size_crop_enabled().


  • SpeedSize size params: removed «c_auto» and added «imdt» on cropped images.
  • HTML-parser: replaced site_url with home_url on relative path processing.
  • HTML-parser: improved get_supported_domains_pattern().


  • Added «speedsize_prefix_url_excluded» filter to allow excluding specific media URLs from SpeedSize (programmatically).
    // Exclude URLs from SpeedSize (example, add this to your theme’s functions.php and modify to your needs):
    function speedsize_prefix_url_excluded_callback($excluded, $url)
    //Any logic regarding the URL (return true if should be excluded)
    if ($url === ‘some-url’) {
    return true;
    add_filter(‘speedsize_prefix_url_excluded’, ‘speedsize_prefix_url_excluded_callback’, 10, 2);


  • Added support for WP media crop option when the size-name is known or can be assumed by the parser (pass h_n,c_auto params).


  • Added parser support for cases where the home_url (website URL) is different from the site_url (admin URL).


  • Fixed a minor typo on Processor class (undefined variable $sources...).


  • Added parser support for data-bg-image HTML attribute.


  • Added parser support for data-bg HTML attribute.


  • Added SpeadSize preconnect link to head tag.
  • Moved parser buffer to an earlier point (to prevent some conflicts with other plugins).


  • Added support for root path URLs, that are relative to the site domain (e.g., /wp-content/...).


  • Added support for href and poster attributes + some minor HTML-parser improvements.


  • Minor Improvements on HTML Parser.


  • First public version.
  • Added HTML-parser feature and some general improvements (compared to the initial v1.0.0).