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Suggestion Toolkit – Youtube


This plugin is an extension for Suggestion Toolkit. It allows to include YouTube video suggestions into suggestion blocks on your WordPress blog or website.
Suggestions include configured number of YouTube video thumbs with titles. Mouse click on a video thumb opens video in a popup window.


Pay attention, that by default Google allows 100 free YouTube searches via YouTube API per day, so pay attention how many unique blocks you are creating and what cache times you are setting.
Once free requests will be used, YouTube suggestions will no longer be added to generated suggestions till the next day. Sure you always can purchase additional requests from Google Console.

Key features

  • Generates suggestions by keywords.
  • Opens video in a modal window by clicking on a video preview thumb.
  • Video suggestions from all YouTube videos.
  • Video suggestions from your own YouTube videos.
  • Live stream suggestions.


  • YouTube suggestions configuration page.
  • Number of YouTube suggestions that should be displayed in a specific recommendation block.
  • Recommendations block with YouTube video recommendation.


Best way to install extension is to do this through the «Extensions» section of Suggestion Toolkit plugin.

Alternatively one can purchase extensions on our website, download and install according to the following instructions.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/related-posts-with-relevanssi-youtube directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Configure widget on widgets page.


Why version starts from 4.0?

We think that versions should represent compatibility between all the related plugins. That is why release versions may be different for each plugin or extension.

How can I support Plugin development?

Best way to support our work is to purchase premium extensions, however you can make a donationdonation.

Where I can find Suggestion Toolkit plugin extensions?

The most convenient way to review and install extensions is to do this from «extensions» section of our plugin config page. However you may visit Plugins page of our website and purchase required plugins.

How I can customize HTML templates & CSS styles of the plugin?

You can fund all plugin customization information in our Knowledge base.

Where I can find some documentation?

You can find answers and solutions in our Knowledge base.

Can I suggest a feature or report a bug?

Yes, you can submit your request on our Contact page.


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  • Compatibility with the current version of Suggestion Toolkit


  • Release.