Stikkord for utvidelse: log out
Log Out Shortcode
(12 totale vurderinger)Easily add a log out link or button to a post or page using a simple shortcode.
Logout Button
(2 totale vurderinger)Allows simple embedding of a log out button using one of three shortcodes corresponding to a different redirect option
Get Login Plugin
(1 totale vurderinger)Adds 'Log In', 'Log Out', 'Register' and 'My Profile' respectively to navigation listed using "wp_list_pa …
Logout to Homepage
(2 totale vurderinger)Directs user to the homepage after succesfully logging out of Wordpress rather than to the login screen.
Logout Link Placement Plugin
(0 totale vurderinger)Logout Link Placement Plugin allows you to place the logout link in the left navigation of the administration panel.