Stikkord for utvidelse: ui
bbPress – New UI
(14 totale vurderinger)A great plugin completely changes the entire design bbpress in light or dark color
Clean unused shortcodes
(2 totale vurderinger)Remove unused shortcodes from your posts content with an improved user interface and advanced functionality.
Infinite Scroll for Genesis
(0 totale vurderinger)Adds infinite scroll on the front page, blog, archives, and search results for themes running on Genesis Framework.
Nice Select for WordPress
(0 totale vurderinger)Enhance select elements with a nicer UI using the Nice Select library.
FibroJedi's Sticky Preview and Publish Buttons
(2 totale vurderinger)A customisable tab containing your update/save/publish buttons. As you use page/post editor, it scrolls down the screen with you.
WP UniformJS
(2 totale vurderinger)Adds Uniform JS (sexy forms with jQuery) to your wordpress forms.
(1 totale vurderinger)Provide a better user experience for you users, when they read your posts. Reduce the number outgoing, non-essential links.
Fix Google Newsstand Missing Images
(1 totale vurderinger)When Wordpress site is submitted to Google Newsstand usually it get error that says: «Google Newsstand «Missing Images» error fix» this is due to the default feed generate by wordpress does not provide a featured images, this simple plugin solves this problem.
Minimal Shortcode UI
(0 totale vurderinger)Allows theme/plugin developers to make their custom shortcodes easily accessible to their users through a modal dialog from the content editor.
WordPress Admin UI Reference Guide
(0 totale vurderinger)Reference guide for all admin UI elements in WordPress admin. Must-have for all plugins developers.
Block Styling Backend
(3 totale vurderinger)A simple plugin that tries making Gutenberg's blocks a friendly tool.
BuddyPress – New UI
(0 totale vurderinger)A great plugin completely changes the entire design of BuddyPress in light or dark color
Require First and Last Name
(0 totale vurderinger)Require first and last name from users who are editing their profiles.
Quick admin color scheme picker
(1 totale vurderinger)Lets you quickly switch between admin color schemes from the "howdy menu." Happy Birthday Sara Cannon! Contribute to development on GitHub.
Better Admin Reading
(0 totale vurderinger)Restores balance to WordPress 3.8's admin. Improves the admin experience especially if you have a lot of menu items.