Stikkord for utvidelse: ui
Custom Term Colors
(0 totale vurderinger)Provides an easy to use interface to assign colors to any term from any taxonomy.
Brillat-Savarin – Admin
(0 totale vurderinger)Style Wordpress back-office as beautiful as the Brillat-Savarin cheese is sweet.
Add newest post link after content
(1 totale vurderinger)This is the very first plugin I ever created.
(0 totale vurderinger)Is a WordPress plugin and Elementor page builder extension with Material Design widgets and icons.
Block Styling Backend
(3 totale vurderinger)A simple plugin that tries making Gutenberg's blocks a friendly tool.
adminbar drag & hide
(0 totale vurderinger)Enhance adminbar usability and customization, adding a handle for drag and a button for hide. Particularly advised for website who has a "work in …
SM – Scrollbar
(0 totale vurderinger)A simple WordPress plugin that turns your windows scrollbar into look-like MacOS scrollbar.
Ele UI Color Scheme Restoration
(0 totale vurderinger)A plugin that allows you to store the Elementor UI back to the old colors