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Title Year ShortCode ===


A simple and nice plugin to echo the current year to your page or post title using a shortcode, as simple as that.

Description ==

A simple and nice plugin to echo the current year to your page or post title using a shortcode, as simple as that. If the installation is okay, go to any post and you can use the [year] shortcode in your title. Just assign the shortcode on your year place it will automatically echo the current year on that place. No need to change it again. Whenever the year will change, this shortcode will automatically change your titled year.

Installation ==

Installation is fairly straight forward. Install it from the WordPress plugin repository.

Changelog ==

= 1.0.0

  • Initial Release


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Bidragsytere og utviklere

“Title Year ShortCode ===” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.
