Make a smart move with WooCommerce Order Coupon Pro
WooCommerce Order Coupon plugin provides enhanced coupon facility to the customer. By using this customer can apply the coupon on placed order if they have forgotten to apply the coupon at time of checkout.
How WooCommerce Order Coupon will help you?
Currently all customers check for offers before purchasing any product and if they have placed an order without coupon then mostly customer will cancel the order and then try to place new one so here we come with a unique solution that is by using WooCommerce Order Coupon plugin, you can allow your customer to apply coupon on placed order. The customer doesn’t need to cancel that order. That will provide you with the following benefits:
- This will increase the trust of your customers
- This plugin will make users attraction towards your shop
- This will surely increase your sales
- This will makes your store unique in the market
Core features
For the Merchant, we have provided some conditions that will help the merchant to allow loyal customers to apply the coupon on order that is following –
- Marchent can set the maximum allowed days for the apply coupon on placed order.
- Marchent can select order status on which coupon will apply on placed order.
- Marchent can set order amount limitation for the apply coupon on order.
- Marchent can allow customers to apply multiple coupons on order
- Email will be send to admin when customer apply a coupon on order.
- User restriction will be added when coupon added in order.
Premium Features
Custom Coupon Type
* Upto fixed cart discount
* Upto fixed product discount
* Upto percent discount
Coupons Reporting
* Most discounted coupons
* Top 5 most discounted coupons
* Top 5 most popular coupons
* Top 5 most discounted customers
* Discounted coupon type with amount
* Most discounted states
* Most discounted countery
* Used coupons details in respect to order & customers
Display coupon offer popup
* Offer display page selection
* Offer coupon code selection
* Offer display type selection
* Inline offer on selected page
* Popup offer display on selected page
* Customizable offer Template
* Who will see the coupon offer Banner
Apply Coupon on placed order feature for Customer
* Merchant can set maximum days for coupon apply
* Merchant can select order status on which coupon code allowed to apply on Order
* Merchant can set allowed coupons count for o Order
* Merchant can set minimum order amount for apply a coupon
* Customer can remove order coupons from order
Refund Coupons amount to customers of customers allready paid
Merchant can select order status for Refund amount
Dedicated wallet gateway & wallet system for refund amount
Dedicated mailing system for notification on each step
* Fully custimizable email templates
* Compatible with all email customizer plugin
Allow customers to reguest apply coupon an a order if he/she forgatten to apply
* Merchant can accept or reject customer request
* Customer will notifie if coupon apply request is acepeted or rejected
= For Premium Plugin you can visit here.
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Automatic installation
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WooCommerce Order Coupon, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
In the search field type «WooCommerce Order Coupon» and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our WooCommerce Order Coupon you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking «Install Now».
Manual installation
The manual installation method involves downloading our WooCommerce Order Coupon and uploading it to your web server via your favourite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.
Bidragsytere og utviklere
“Coupon Manager & Reporting Lite for WooCommerce” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.
BidragsytereOversett “Coupon Manager & Reporting Lite for WooCommerce” til ditt språk.
Interessert i utvikling?
Bla gjennom koden, sjekk ut SVN-repositoriet, eller abonner på utviklingsloggen med RSS.
- Major Bug fixes
- User restriction will be added when coupon added in order.
- Email will be send to admin when customer apply a coupon on order.
- Initial Release.