The plugin helps you sell anything via Telegram with Woocommerce help.
For now it works with simple products only.
You can see an example here
- Download the plugin
- Upload the folder «wc-telegram» to wp-content/plugins (or upload a zip through the WordPress admin)
Bidragsytere og utviklere
“Sell via Telegram for WooCommerce” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.
BidragsytereOversett “Sell via Telegram for WooCommerce” til ditt språk.
Interessert i utvikling?
Bla gjennom koden, sjekk ut SVN-repositoriet, eller abonner på utviklingsloggen med RSS.
= 1.9
* changing the settings form for none HTTPS connection
* fixing a bug in showing «Terms and conditions»
= 1.8
* adding options for products per page and columns
= 1.7
* Fixing timeout issue with the requests to Telegram, adding ‘wc_telegram_menu_keyboard’ filter to control the menu, other minor changes
= 1.6
* Fixing the subcategory back button
= 1.5
* Improving message deleting
= 1.4
* Fixing Telegram photo id storage
= 1.3
* Messaging changed
= 1.2
* HTTPS required notice added
= 1.1
* Minor changes on showing the subcategories
= 1.0
* First version