Useful and handy FAQ plugin for any WordPress website.
The plugin adds a «FAQ» tab to your wp-admin menu and allows you to enter FAQ Title and FAQ Description.
It will show FAQ in descending order by post publish date.
- Add this shortcode to use this plugin in your page in backend
Add this code if you want to use this plugin in your .php file
<?php echo do_shortcode('[website_faq]');?>
Add this shortcode if you want to show FAQ by some specific category in your page in backend
[website_faq category="category_ID"]
- Add this code if you want to show FAQ by some specific category in your .php file
<?php echo do_shortcode('[website_faq category="category_ID"]');?>
Amazing Features
- Responsive
- Categorized
- Shortcode
- jQuery UI Accordion
- Easy to use
- Can be integrated into any wp theme
- All files are easy customizable
- Download and extract this plugin to
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress and start adding your FAQ.
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“Website FAQ (Responsive and Categorized with Shortcode)” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.
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Tested and compatible with WordPress 5.8
- Update in frontend display
- Initial release