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Woocommerce Zaakpay Payment Gateway


Zaakpay is an Indian payment which will accept the payment from any types of credit and debit card. This plugin required Woocommerce 2.0 or later. and also required the zaakpay merchant identifier or merchant no and secret key provided by zaakpay.


  • woocommerce settings
  • during checkout
  • order details


Please use the following link for plugin installation This plugin required a zaakpay account please follow the link once you have activated the plugin you have to enable the Woocommerce Zaakpay Payment Gateway under the woocommerce->settings->checkout section.


where we find the merchant identifier?

ans. you can find the merchant identifier or merchant id from developers tab in

Is zaakpay registration is required to use this plugin?

ans. yes you have to register with zaakpay they didn\’t charge for registration and you can also test with the zaakpay\’s registered account credential without going live.

Is we require ssl for this payment gateway?

ans. no there no ssl required for this payment gateway you have to just configure the settings.


3. september, 2016
Please update your payment gateway kit at earliest.
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“Woocommerce Zaakpay Payment Gateway” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




  • Initial version release.