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WordPress Meta Keywords


This plugin will make it possible to use tags as meta keywords. Under Pages you will find a new meta box called Keywords.
By activation the plugin registrates a separate taxonomy which is independent from post tags.
Today’s search engines don’t use meta keywords as a criteria at all, but who knows for what they will be good in future 😉
For me tagging is necessary to bring pages in relation and gives me the possibility to save my tags redundant in the database.


  • Use post tags as meta keywords
  • Registrates own taxnomy for pages
  • No coding needed
  • Language support

Related Links


Before installing or upgrading new plugins, please backup your database first!


  • screenshot-1.gif


There are several ways to install a plugin in WordPress. For newbies this way is highly recommended:

  1. Navigate to ‘Add New’ under ‘Plugins’ menu in admin area
  2. Upload or choose from ‘Install Plugins’
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Prevent to intall more than one plugin for the same task. Prevent double entries in the header and values which are in conflict to each other.


Do I have to add any code in the template?

No, the plugin will automatically add the meta keywords tag in the header.

How I can be sure that the plugin works properly?

Go to the frontend of your site and check the source code.

Will this plugin works together with other plugins?

Yes, for sure. But check your code for double entries.

Where I can find it after activation in the admin area?

The only visual change is the keyword meta box under pages.


Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.

Bidragsytere og utviklere

“WordPress Meta Keywords” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.


“WordPress Meta Keywords” har blitt oversatt til 3 språk. Takk til oversetterne for deres bidrag.

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  • Language support and showing keywords on page table view


  • Now own taxonomy for keywords on pages


  • Automatically adding code in wp_head


  • Register post tags for pages