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WordPress Sinhala Comments


If you have a Sinhala WordPress Blog, this Plugin is a must have. This Plugin make it really easy to comment in Sinhala. There is no need of any other Sites or Software.
Use this plugin and help users to express themselves in there own words…


  • Simply click on the «සිංහලෙන් comments» button of the comment box.
  • Type your comment in singlish in the «Singlish Box».
  • After submit the comment you can see the comment in sinhala.


  1. Upload «wordpress-sinhala-comments» file to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

If you more details visit official plugin Page.


OK. I don’t Understand ….. here?

-How can I comment in sinhala?
-Simply click on the «සිංහලෙන් comments» button of the comment box and then displayed a singlish comment box.

-Type your comment in singlish.Then comments will be added to the comment box in sinhala.

Visit the Plugin Page. Ask questions. Plugin author will be glad to answer.


Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.

Bidragsytere og utviklere

“WordPress Sinhala Comments” er programvare med åpen kildekode. Følgende personer har bidratt til denne utvidelsen.




- Styles improvements. Updated upto compatible with wordpress 5.8 version. 


- Bug fixes: conflicting issues fixed and styles improvements. 


- Bug fixes: Core functions updated upto compatible with wordpress 4.0.1 version.   
- Enhancements: Added jQuery latest library file.(Version 2.1.1)


- Script conflicting issue fixed.


- Added JQuery to the convert process instead of Java Script.
- Added button to click and display comment box to type comments.
- You don't need to edit theme files.
- Added new unicode fonts.
- Fixed small bugs.


- Script Modifications were made.