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AL Frontend Publish Editor


This plugin add frontend editor to your web-site. The plugin is easy to use. Please create empty page for editor, put shortcode [alshc_post_editor] on the created page.
Click to «WP FRONTEND PUBLISH EDITOR» menu in admin console. Follow to the instructions: set users capabilities and select the created page.


  • Frontend editor page view
  • Frontend editor add new block
  • Frontend editor change block features
  • Backend editor menu item
  • Backend editor manual
  • Backend editor page selection
  • Backend editor user capabilities


  1. Upload plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Create a page for Editor
  4. Put shortcode [alshc_post_editor] on the created page
  5. Open setting page in admin console – «WP FRONTEND PUBLISH EDITOR»
  6. Follow to instructions:
    6.1. Select the created page as Editor page
    6.2. Cet users capabilities
  7. Enjoy!


What is Editor the plugin based on?

The plugin based on EditorJS ( Based on documentation of the Editor this software is Open Source project. If you are interested in the Editor you can donate for the project.

How can I add blocks to the Editor

The Editor team develope new features for their project so you can update the editor from the project sources (

If I need any special features

Contact to author of this plugin for commercial support.


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1.0 Initial version.