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WP Activity Log for WPForms


IMPORTANT: This extension has been merged into WP Activity Log.

This WP Activity Log extension for WPForms have been merged into the main plugin, WP Activity Log. This means that you no longer need to use this extension to keep a log of changes that happen on your WP Forms plugin.

About WP Activity Log

WP Activity Log is the most comprehensive real time activity log plugin for WordPress. It helps thousands administrators and security professionals keep an eye on what is happening on their websites and multisite networks.

WP Activity Log is also the most highly rated WordPress activity log plugin and have been featured on popular sites such as GoDaddy, ManageWP, Pagely, Shout Me Loud and WPKube.

What WPForms plugin changes can WP Activity Log keep a log of?

Below are some of the user and plugin changes you can keep a log of when you install WP Activity Log:

  • Adds a new form
  • Modifies, duplicates, renames or deletes a form
  • Adds a new field in a form
  • Modifies, or deletes a field from a form
  • Deletes or modifies an entry (lead)
  • Adds, enables, modifies or disable notifications in forms
  • Changes in the access plugin’s control settings

Refer to the activity logs event IDs for WPForms for a complete list of the changes the plugin can keep a log of.

Install WP Activity Log from within WordPress

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’.
  2. Search for ‘WP Activity Log’.
  3. Install and activate the plugin.



Support and Documentation

Please refer to our Support & Documentation pages for all the technical information and support documentation on the WP Activity Log plugin.


6. september, 2022 2 svar
This plugin has been generating a fatal PHP error on my website for some time now. I filed a report on the support forum and it was not even acknowledged. Apparently, this plugin does not seem to be monitored. I am revising my ratings initially made as the plugin author eventually contacted me and explained the error that caused the lack of response. They worked on the error and found me a fix. Although the error now only appears in a report from another plugin and not in my debug logs, they still followed up to try and clear it. Good job support team!
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This extension is no longer required. It has been merged into WP Activity Log. Download WP Activity Log now to get started.