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WP Blast | SEO & Performance Booster


Improve your WordPress SEO and performance by using dynamic rendering. The plugin allows to prerender your website and generate an easy-to-crawl version of your website. This results in boost of pagespeed insight score and SEO boost as robots will save a lot of crawl budget. In combination of cache plugin, you’ll get the best of both worlds: optimisation on-site and with pre-rendering.

What is Dynamic Rendering?

Dynamic Rendering is a solution recommended by Google, consisting in serving an optimized version of your website for robots and crawlers. The plugin allows you to pre-generate content before providing it to crawlers. This pre-generation facilitates the analysis of crawlers and therefore make you save a lot of crawl budget for the analysis of your website.

Recommended by SEO Experts

After multiple analysis done by SEO Experts, Dynamic Rendering proves multiple benefits for website SEO and performance. The websites that are using it are crawled within a blink of an eye by robots and gain ranks compared to competitors.

Combination with cache plugins

Cache plugins are mostly doing optimization of code on your website and it’s good for the users but not for the crawlers and robots. Using WP Blast in addition of your cache plugin is even better. You’ll get the best of both worlds. WP Blast will take advantage of your cache plugin optimisations and apply some more to make the perfect crawler version.

Bug report

Do you want to report a bug? Please contact us on so we can make a fix.


  • Homepage analysis
  • Statistics of urls of the website
  • Cache section
  • Account details
  • Settings section


The plugin has been designed to allow you to get a very high technology with no headache and no-code knowledge.
The default settings in the plugin should be enough for a large majority of installations. Nevertheless, you still can tweak it if needed.
If you have a website with a very large number of pages (> 10000), just be sure that the maximum number of cache items and the maximum number of sitemap items are well set. If you have any doubt with your plugin configuration, just contact us and we’ll be happy to help you configure it.

Install WP Blast from within WordPress

  1. Visit the plugins page within your dashboard and select ‘Add New’
  2. Search for ‘WP Blast’
  3. Activate WP Blast from your Plugins page
  4. Go to ‘after activation’ below

Install WP Blast manually

  1. Upload the ‘wpblast’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the WP Blast plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to ‘after activation’ below

After activation

  1. The plugin starts optimising your homepage right away! 😀
  2. To get the best of the plugin, you can create an account, this will give you free pages and optimization to improve your website!
  3. To get even more, you can subscribe to a premium plan to have your full website optimized!
  4. If you need help to make a custom configuration, don’t hesitate to contact us, we’ll be glad to help!
  5. Enjoy the benefits of Dynamic Rendering! 🙂


My plugin seems to have some synchronization problems

If you seem to have any synchronization problem, you can safely:
1. Trigger a new generation of the cache in the cache section
2. Purge the plugin data in the cache section
3. Purge the cache in the cache section
4. Purge the WP Blast sitemap

If none of it solves the problem, please contact us and we’ll help you with that.

I have a question or need support

Don’t hesitate to contact us on:, we’ll be happy to help!


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Release Date: March 4th, 2023

  • Add ability to inject or not css in wpblast cache