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WP Broadbean


*This plugin is no longer being developed or maintained. We recommend JobRelay for integrating WordPress with Broadbean.

The WP Broadbean plugin provides developers with a scaffolding to integrate Broadbean with a WordPress website. The plugin is not a plug-and-play solution but offers the tools needed to get started integrating a WordPress website with Broadbean.

Once successfully integrated jobs written in Broadbean appear in WordPress and applications to jobs on WordPress are tracked back to Broadbean.

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Who is this plugin for

The WP Broadbean plugin is primarily for developers of recruitment websites or people who are happy to tinker with code looking to integrate WordPress with Broadbean.

If you’re uncomfortable with code or want a ‘done for you’ solution we have 3 options for you.

  1. Integrate using our plugin-and-play out-of-the-box solution called JobRelay
  2. Purchase our support and documentation add-on. This gives access to the plugin documentation and email support from the Highrise Digital team
  3. Book a consultation call with us were we can support you in getting this plugin setup.

What the plugin does

  1. Creates a new jobs post type
  2. Creates taxonomies for the jobs post type
  3. Allows each job to store key meta data such as reference, salary etc.
  4. Creates a job application which gets sent back to Broadbean when a candidate applies for a job

This plugin does not

  1. Expire the jobs or remove them from your WordPress site
  2. Provide a comprehensive job search to your site
  3. Provide front end output of jobs
  4. Provide a styled job listing page
  5. Style the application form to match other forms on your site

For the sake of clarity, the WP Broadbean plugin is not affiliated in any way with Broadbean.


  • The job edit screen in WordPress


To install the plugin:

  1. Upload wpbroadbean to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Aktiver pluginnen gjennom ‘Plugins’-menyen i WordPress


Frequently asked questions are available here.


23. mars, 2020 1 svar
From the reviews I can see that it’s been a while since this plugin has been around. I used it with a client to integrate BroadBean and the job posting into an existing WP site – very easy to configure and to get what you need, setup is a breeze, kudos to the devs for writing code that withstands the test of time (tested with WP 5.3.2).
3. september, 2016 1 svar
Great plugin for integrating Broadbean with a website. Was easy to set up and it works really well. Will be recommending this plugin to anyone looking to integrate Broadbean with their website. Quick responses from the developer too is also a massive bonus!
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The changelog can be viewed on the Github releases page.