When non-site admins sign up for a new blog via the wp-signup.php page, they are subjected to the following restrictions on their site name (that site admins are not subjected to):
* No dashes are allowed.
* No underscores are allowed.
* The name can not be all numeric.
* Name must be at least 4 characters long
This plugin allows site admins to override each of those restrictions, toggling yes/no for the first three settings, and adding a minimum length for the name.
This plugin only affects blog creation via the sign up page. It does not affect blog creation via site admin -> blogs -> new blog
- Place the cets_blog_name_restrictions_override.php file in the wp-content/mu-plugins folder.
- Set parameters via Site Admin -> Options
- Can I set a minimum length of greater than 4 characters.
No – the plugin works by filtering the error codes returned from WordPress. No error code is returned if the name is more than 4 characters long.
Det er ingen omtaler av denne utvidelsen.
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- Updated the error code checking and error codes to use WP3.0 site language.