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Zanto Country Detector


This plugin is a Zanto addon that detects the user country and shows his country flag next to the available languages.
You can also redirect visitors based on visitor country if user locale translation exists. E.g if you have a language with locale code
en_US, the code can be devided into the language part ‘en’ and the geographical part ‘US’.
This plugin has an option to redirect according to the geographical parts of the locale codes of the languages served on your ZANTO translated site.

How usefull is this?

Since flags do not equate to language and several countries share the same national language but different flags, the solution is to
show the country flag of the user next to the languages. A good example can be seen with the popular pay pal website.

Quick Support

for support, submit a support ticket here

Want More?

To keep up to date with the latest WordPress translation, localization and Internationalization news, subscribe to our blog at Zanto
or follow Zanto on twitter and influence what gets developed next!
For more free and premium multilingual plugins from Zanto, visit our Multilingual plugins page. all GPL


  • Language Switcher Widget that shows user country flag alongside languages either in a drop down format or horizontal format
  • Footer language Swicher with user country flag alongside the available langauges
  • User redirection to the appropriate language locale based on the user country


-Upload the Plugin to your blog and activate it like any other WordPress plugin.
Note: Zanto Translation Manager plugin must be installed first.
– Go to Zanto > Languages and configure the settings under «Country Detector Addon Options»
– To use country redirect option, make sure browser language redirect is disabled.


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  • Initial commit