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Context Blog

Context Blog

Kommersielt tema

This theme is free but offers additional paid commercial upgrades or support. Se brukerstøtte

  • Versjon 1.1.7
  • Siste oppdatert 27. oktober 2024
  • Aktive installasjoner 1 000+
  • WordPress-versjon 4.5
  • PHP-versjon 5.6

Context blog WordPress theme is a free, personalized, and context-oriented theme. It starts by focusing on your persona, followed by other attractions. The other six attractions show your post in a different design. Your main blog post is one of them. The convincing feature is a selection of blog posts that you can use to highlight your post in different sections. Post selection is based on different contexts, such as the number of comments, date, category. The theme is completely configurable and accessible from the customizer’s preview. Additionally, the theme is fully responsive and mobile-friendly, ensuring that your content looks great on any device. Its HTML5 structure with sections and articles ensures optimal SEO performance. In summary, the Context blog WordPress theme is a customizer based, versatile, and SEO-friendly option for bloggers looking to enhance their online presence and improve their search engine rankings. Demo is here https://contextblog.postmagthemes.com

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Aktive installasjoner: 1 000+