IWEB Business
Dette temaet er ikke blitt oppdatert på over 2 år. Det er mulig det ikke lenger støttes, eller ikke er kompatibelt med nyere utgaver av WordPress.
A fast, clean and highly customizable theme for Blogs and Businesses. IWEB Business is a simple and fast WordPress theme designed to help you attract and engage more visitors. Well documented and very easy to use even for WordPress beginners. Clean and Modern Responsive design will perfectly showcase your content on any device. It also has lots of customization options (Slider, Featured Sections, Our Projects, Our Clients etc) that will help you create a beautiful, unique website in no time. IWEB Business is responsive so it works on mobile devices out of the box. Learn more about the theme at http://www.iwebdm.com/wordpress-themes/documentation-business/ and demo sites at http://www.iwebdm.com/demo-business/
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