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Dette temaet er ikke blitt oppdatert på over 2 år. Det er mulig det ikke lenger støttes, eller ikke er kompatibelt med nyere utgaver av WordPress.

  • Versjon 1.1.0
  • Siste oppdatert 21. oktober 2021
  • Aktive installasjoner 200+
  • PHP-versjon 5.6

TOGETHER is a wedding WordPress theme which specially designed for marriage, engagement, personal, wedding websites. It is optimized and targeted to create clean and beautiful wedding websites and blogs quickly and easily. Theme included theme customizer for live editing and easy to manage homepage through home page builder. It includes color schemes, header and footer option, custom banner images, social profiles and more features for your ease to create elegant websites. Please find more details about theme at https://www.famethemes.com/themes/together/ and Demo at https://demos.famethemes.com/together/

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Aktive installasjoner: 200+